Serial Port Interrupt C

Posted on: 10/12/2017 / Admin
Serial Port Interrupt C Average ratng: 9,4/10 3032reviews

CCS, Inc. C Aware IDE Features. The C Aware Editor is the main work area of the IDE and the place where the user enters and edits source code. The editor provides color syntax highlighting, tab control, bookmarks, context sensitive help and searches for matching or. The C Aware IDE allows easy access to the call tree, symbol map and other helpful screens. Router Huawei E5372 Lte Play there. It also includes a direct interface to device programmers and debuggers. I want read my serial port but only when data comesI want not polling. This is how I do it. Schnittstelle new SerialPortCOM3. EZPD CCG2 Datasheet USB TypeC Port Controller Cypress Semiconductor Corporation 198 Champion Court San Jose, CA 951341709 4089432600. Context Sensitive Help. The IDE provides instant help on any item by pressing F1. For example, placing the editor cursor on an outputhigh function and pressing F1 will open the compiler manual on the outputhigh function. Code Completion and Code Insight. This page contains example programs mostly in assembly, but a few in C for excercising the EdSim51 peripherals. First, download for free the EdSim51DI simulator. The IDE can provide code completion assistance by pressing CTRL SPACE on the keyboard. Doing so will open a small hint window showing all the valid identifiers that can be used. When used after a class dereference. Brace Matching. When the edit cursor is on a brace, or the editor will highlight both braces. Pressing CTRL on the keyboard will also move to the cursor to the matching brace. Identifier Tooltips. By hovering the mouse over an identifier or keyword such as a variable, function name or constant the IDE will provide a tooltip with information on that identifier. If the debugger is running and the mouse is hovering over a variable, the debugger will display the variables current value in the tooltip. Code Folding. The editor has the ability to fold collapse or expand certain blocks of code into one line. This is useful for hiding an entire function, comment block or ifelse block. Code that can be collapsed or expanded will be marked by a or minus sign next to the gutter. Color Highlighting. The editor provides color syntax highlighting for compiler keywords,comments, preprocessors, string, numbers, symbols, block matches and more. The colors can be configured, or turned off entirely, by using the IDE Options in the Options menu. The editor also allows user defined tokens to be added for color syntax highlighting by putting them in a file names TOKENS. TXT in the PICC directory with one keyword per line. Line Numbers. The gutter on the left shows the line number of each line. This can be turned off by using the IDE Options in the Options menu. If the debugger is enabled, a breakpoint can be toggled on a line by double clicking on the line number in the gutter. Mouse Right click Pop up. Right mouse click in the editor window displays a pop up menu of editor actions. Column Editing. Press the CTRL key on the keyboard while using the left mouse button on the mouse to select a block of text. USB, short for Universal Serial Bus, is an industry standard that defines cables, connectors and communications protocols for connection, communication, and power. Serial Port Devices devttyS2, etc. Serial Port Names ttyS4, etc. Common serial port names are devttyS0, devttyS1, etc. Then around the year 2000 came. I2C_00.jpg' alt='Serial Port Interrupt C' title='Serial Port Interrupt C' />Serial Port Interrupt CThis will allow the user to highlightselect a block of text across several lines of the file, but only spanning a specified number of columns and not the entire length of the line. This is useful if there are several lines that start or contain the same block of text but need to be replaced or edited. Pressing DEL will delete that block of text, typing will replace block of text with new text, or CTRL V could be used to paste new content in each line. User Tool Bar Menu. This menu contains buttons configured by the user. To add buttons to the menu, use the Toolbar screen in the IDE Options of the Options menu. How to use STM3. 2 Nucleo serial port. As we have seen in the previous tutorial about this new developing board from ST, the STM3. Nucleo provides an integrated ST Link v. ST Link is mainly designed to allow flashing of target MCU trough the mini USB interface. But, it provides at least another really useful feature a Virtual COM port. When you install the ST Link drivers, a new device appears in your hardware devices list the ST Link Virtual COM port. If you use a Linux PC or a Mac, youll find a new terminal in the dev directory. Usually, this device is named something similar to tty. XXXX, as shown below. The serial port is mostly useful for two reasons if you want to debug your firmware printing messages not strictly necessary with the ARM architecture, since we can also use ARM semihosting or if you want to exchange commands and messages between your Nucleo board and your PC perhaps, using a dedicated application you are building. In this post Ill show you how to properly configure and use the integrated virtual COM port of STM3. Nucleo board. But, before we start coding, it could be really useful take a look to the hardware. ST provides the full hardware project of the STM3. Nucleo the board is designed using the Altium Designer CAD, a professional CAD used in the electronics industry, but you are not required to have a so expensive piece of software to use your Nucleo. Ill assume the Nucleo F4. RE model, but it should be really easy to rearrange instructions to properly use your specific Nucleo. First pinout. A complex yet flexible MCU like the STM3. IOs that have overloaded functionalities. This means that, before we can use a peripheral in our case, the USART, we need to configure the peripherals associated to corresponding pins. Looking to STM3. 2Cube. MX tool, we discover that the STM3. F4. 01. RETx processor has 3 different USARTs USART1, USART2 and USART6. Now we have to take a look to the Nucleo schematics. As we can see in the following picture, the USARTTX and USARTRX ports are connected to PA2 and PA3 pins. This means that the Nucleo board is configured to use the USART2 peripheral of target MCU. D Animation Drawing Book Pdf on this page. Ok. Weve grabbed all the necessary information related to the hardware needed to start coding. Second the code. Before we start configuring the USART2 peripheral, we need a test project. Well generate an empty project using the GCC ARM Eclipse plug in, as shown in my series about the GCC toolchain for the STM3. When you generate the test project, you can using the following configuration parameters. If you have followed my previous tutorial about GNU Eclipse plug in, you already know that the plug ins generates an incorrect clock configuration for the Nucleo F4 board. Ive shown how to use the STM3. Cube. MX tool to generate the right clock initialization code. For the sake of simplicity, this is the code you have to put inside the initializehardware. RCCOsc. Init. Type. Def RCCOsc. Init. Struct. RCCClk. Init. Type. Def RCCClk. Init. Struct. PWRCLKENABLE. HALPWRVOLTAGESCALINGCONFIGPWRREGULATORVOLTAGESCALE2. RCCOsc. Init. Struct. Oscillator. Type RCCOSCILLATORTYPEHSI. RCCOsc. Init. Struct. HSIState RCCHSION. RCCOsc. Init. Struct. HSICalibration. Value 6. RCCOsc. Init. Struct. PLL. PLLState RCCPLLON. RCCOsc. Init. Struct. PLL. PLLSource RCCPLLSOURCEHSI. RCCOsc. Init. Struct. PLL. PLLM 1. 6. RCCOsc. Init. Struct. PLL. PLLN 3. 36. RCCOsc. Init. Struct. PLL. PLLP RCCPLLPDIV4. RCCOsc. Init. Struct. PLL. PLLQ 7. HALRCCOsc. Config RCCOsc. Init. Struct. RCCClk. Init. Struct. Clock. Type RCCCLOCKTYPESYSCLKRCCCLOCKTYPEPCLK1. RCCClk. Init. Struct. SYSCLKSource RCCSYSCLKSOURCEPLLCLK. RCCClk. Init. Struct. AHBCLKDivider RCCSYSCLKDIV1. RCCClk. Init. Struct. APB1. CLKDivider RCCHCLKDIV2. RCCClk. Init. Struct. APB2. CLKDivider RCCHCLKDIV1. HALRCCClock. Config RCCClk. Init. Struct, FLASHLATENCY2. RCCOsc. Init. Type. Def RCCOsc. Init. Struct RCCClk. Init. Type. Def RCCClk. Init. Struct PWRCLKENABLE HALPWRVOLTAGESCALINGCONFIGPWRREGULATORVOLTAGESCALE2 RCCOsc. Init. Struct. Oscillator. TypeRCCOSCILLATORTYPEHSI RCCOsc. Init. Struct. HSIStateRCCHSION RCCOsc. Init. Struct. HSICalibration. Value6 RCCOsc. Init. Struct. PLL. PLLStateRCCPLLON RCCOsc. Init. Struct. PLL. PLLSourceRCCPLLSOURCEHSI RCCOsc. Init. Struct. PLL. PLLM1. 6 RCCOsc. Init. Struct. PLL. PLLN3. RCCOsc. Init. Struct. PLL. PLLPRCCPLLPDIV4 RCCOsc. Init. Struct. PLL. PLLQ7 HALRCCOsc. Config RCCOsc. Init. Struct RCCClk. Init. Struct. Clock. TypeRCCCLOCKTYPESYSCLKRCCCLOCKTYPEPCLK1 RCCClk. Init. Struct. SYSCLKSourceRCCSYSCLKSOURCEPLLCLK RCCClk. Init. Struct. AHBCLKDividerRCCSYSCLKDIV1 RCCClk. Init. Struct. APB1. CLKDividerRCCHCLKDIV2 RCCClk. Init. Struct. APB2. CLKDividerRCCHCLKDIV1 HALRCCClock. Config RCCClk. Init. Struct,FLASHLATENCY2. Next, we have to add a function to configure the USART interface. We call it MXUSART2UARTInit, as shown below. UARTHandle. Type. Def huart. 2. void MXUSART2UARTInitvoid. Instance USART2. Init. Baud. Rate 1. Init. Word. Length UARTWORDLENGTH8. B. huart. 2. Init. Stop. Bits UARTSTOPBITS1. Init. Parity UARTPARITYNONE. Init. Mode UARTMODETXRX. Init. Hw. Flow. Ctl UARTHWCONTROLNONE. HALUARTInit huart. UARTHandle. Type. Def huart. 2. void. MXUSART2UARTInitvoidhuart. InstanceUSART2 huart. Init. Baud. Rate1. Init. Word. LengthUARTWORDLENGTH8. B huart. 2. Init. Stop. BitsUARTSTOPBITS1 huart. Init. ParityUARTPARITYNONE huart. Init. ModeUARTMODETXRX huart. Init. Hw. Flow. CtlUARTHWCONTROLNONE HALUARTInit huart. The function is really self explaining. UARTHandle. Type. Def descriptor. Its a struct used to configure the UART peripheral. However, this code is still not sufficient to use the UART. We need to configure the hardware part, setting the right pins and initializing the right clocks associated to UART peripheral. This work is done with the following hook function. HALUARTMsp. InitUARTHandle. Type. Def huart. GPIOInit. Type. Def GPIOInit. Struct. ifhuart InstanceUSART2. GPIOACLKENABLE. USART2CLKENABLE. USART2 GPIO Configuration. PA2 USART2TX. PA3 USART2RX. GPIOInit. Struct. Pin GPIOPIN2GPIOPIN3. GPIOInit. Struct. Mode GPIOMODEAFPP. GPIOInit. Struct. Pull GPIONOPULL. GPIOInit. Struct. Speed GPIOSPEEDLOW. GPIOInit. Struct. Alternate GPIOAF7USART2. HALGPIOInitGPIOA, GPIOInit. Struct. 1. 23. HALUARTMsp. InitUARTHandle. Type. Defuart  GPIOInit. Type. Def GPIOInit. Struct  ifhuart InstanceUSART2      GPIOACLKENABLE    USART2CLKENABLE    USART2 GPIO Configuration    PA2     USART2TX    PA3     USART2RX        GPIOInit. Struct. PinGPIOPIN2GPIOPIN3    GPIOInit. Struct. ModeGPIOMODEAFPP    GPIOInit. Struct. PullGPIONOPULL    GPIOInit. Struct. SpeedGPIOSPEEDLOW    GPIOInit. Struct. AlternateGPIOAF7USART2    HALGPIOInitGPIOA, GPIOInit. Struct  . Even in this case, the code is really self explaining. First, we need to initialize peripheral clock for PORTA GPIOs. Next, we need to enable the clock associated to UART2 peripheral. Finally, we have to proper configure PIN2 e PIN3 as UART2 TX and UART2 RX. An important aspect to remark is that we dont need to explicit call this function in the initialization section.