Ram Script Optimizer Zip

Posted on: 12/24/2017 / Admin
Ram Script Optimizer Zip Average ratng: 9,3/10 2003reviews

Here you can download juwe ram script cwm zip shared files Juwe RAM Script CWM. Juwe ram script cwm zip mediafire. KB free from TraDownload. CD Contents Antivirus Tools ComboFix 0404 Designed to cleanup malware infections and restore settings modified by malware Windows Freeware. CWShredder 2. 19. Sphinx is a fulltext search engine, publicly distributed under GPL version 2. Commercial licensing eg. Sphinx Open Source Search Server. Data source configuration options. Data source type. Mandatory, no default value. Known types are mysql, pgsql, mssql. All other per source options depend on source type selected by this option. Fv6rknOgCSA/TjXmDi8xCeI/AAAAAAAAAIs/nviP364auu4/s1600/xdevice1.png.pagespeed.ic.qCWGBRqFOI.png' alt='Ram Script Optimizer Zip' title='Ram Script Optimizer Zip' />Names of the options used for SQL sources ie. My. SQL, Postgre. SQL, MS SQL start with sql. All source types are conditional they might or might. Windows. odbc type is available both on Windows natively and on. Linux through Unix. ODBC library. SQL server host to connect to. Mandatory, no default value. Applies to SQL source types mysql, pgsql, mssql only. In the simplest case when Sphinx resides on the same host with your My. SQL. or Postgre. SQL installation, you would simply specify localhost. Note that. My. SQL client library chooses whether to connect over TCPIP or over UNIX. Specifically localhost will force it. UNIX socket this is the default and generally recommended mode. TCPIP usage. Refer to. SQL server IP port to connect to. Optional, default is 3. Applies to SQL source types mysql, pgsql, mssql only. Note that it depends on sqlhost setting whether this value will actually be used. SQL user to use when connecting to sqlhost. Mandatory, no default value. Applies to SQL source types mysql, pgsql, mssql only. SQL user password to use when connecting to sqlhost. Mandatory, no default value. Applies to SQL source types mysql, pgsql, mssql only. SQL database in My. SQL terms to use after the connection and perform further queries within. Mandatory, no default value. Applies to SQL source types mysql, pgsql, mssql only. UNIX socket name to connect to for local SQL servers. Optional, default value is empty use client library default settings. Applies to SQL source types mysql, pgsql, mssql only. On Linux, it would typically be varlibmysqlmysql. On Free. BSD, it would typically be tmpmysql. Note that it depends on sqlhost setting whether this value will actually be used. My. SQL client connection flags. Optional, default value is 0 do not set any flags. Applies to mysql source type only. This option must contain an integer value with the sum of the flags. The value will be passed to mysqlrealconnect verbatim. The flags are enumerated in mysqlcom. Flags that are especially interesting in regard to indexing, with their respective values, are as follows. CLIENTCOMPRESS 3. CLIENTSSL 2. 04. SSL after handshake. CLIENTSECURECONNECTION 3. For instance, you can specify 2. SSL. or 3. 27. 68 to use new authentication only. Initially, this option was introduced. Compression on 1 Gbps. However, enabling compression on 1. Mbps links. may improve indexing time significantly upto 2. Your mileage may vary. SSL certificate settings to use for connecting to My. SQL server. Optional, default values are empty strings do not use SSL. Applies to mysql source type only. These directives let you set up secure SSL connection between. My. SQL. The details on creating. My. SQL server can be found in. My. SQL documentation. ODBC DSN to connect to. Mandatory, no default value. Applies to odbc source type only. ODBC DSN Data Source Name specifies the credentials host, user, password, etc. ODBC data source. The format depends on specific ODBC. DriverOracle ODBC Driver Dbqmy. DBName Uidmy. Username Pwdmy. Password. Pre fetch query, or pre query. Multi value, optional, default is empty list of queries. Applies to SQL source types mysql, pgsql, mssql only. Multi value means that you can specify several pre queries. They are executed before the main fetch query. Pre query results are ignored. Pre queries are useful in a lot of ways. They are used to setup encoding. SQL server options and variables, and so on. Perhaps the most frequent pre query usage is to specify the encoding. Note that Sphinx accepts. UTF 8 texts. Two My. SQL specific examples of setting the encoding are. SET CHARACTERSETRESULTSutf. SET NAMES utf. 8. Also specific to My. SQL sources, it is useful to disable query cache. That could be achieved with. SET SESSION querycachetypeOFF. SET NAMES utf. 8. SET SESSION querycachetypeOFF. Main document fetch query. Mandatory, no default value. Applies to SQL source types mysql, pgsql, mssql only. There can be only one main query. This is the query which is used to retrieve documents from SQL server. You can specify up to 3. SPHMAXFIELDS from sphinx. All of the columns that are neither document ID the first one nor attributes will be full text indexed. Document ID MUST be the very first field. MUST BE UNIQUE UNSIGNED POSITIVE NON ZERO, NON NEGATIVE INTEGER NUMBER. It can be either 3. Sphinx. by default it builds with 3. IDs support but enable id. IDs support. SELECT id, groupid, UNIXTIMESTAMPdateadded AS dateadded,. FROM documents. 1. Joinedpayload field fetch query. Multi value, optional, default is empty list of queries. Applies to SQL source types mysql, pgsql, mssql only. Its syntax is as follows. FIELD NAME from query payload query. QUERY RANGE QUERY. FIELD NAME is a joinedpayload field name QUERY is an SQL query that must fetch values to index. RANGE QUERY is an optional SQL query that fetches a range. Added in version 2. Joined fields let you avoid JOIN andor GROUPCONCAT statements in the main. This can be useful when SQL side JOIN is slow. Sphinx side, or simply to emulate My. SQL specific. GROUPCONCAT functionality in case your database server does not support it. The query must return exactly 2 columns document ID, and text to append. Document IDs can be duplicate, but they must be. All the text rows fetched for a given ID will be. Rows will be concatenated. For instance, if joined field query. Joined fields are only indexed differently. There are no other differences. Starting with 2. 0. It works similar to the ranged. Section 3. 8, Ranged queries. The range will be queried for and fetched upfront once. Payloads let you create a special field in which, instead of. Payloads are. custom integer values attached to every keyword. They can then be used. The payload query must return exactly 3 columns document ID keyword. Document IDs can be duplicate, but they must be. Payloads must be unsigned integers within 2. For reference, payloads are currently internally. Currently, the only method to account for payloads is to use. SPHRANKPROXIMITYBM2. On indexes with payload fields. SELECT docid, CONCATtag,tagid FROM tags ORDER BY docid ASC. SELECT id, tag FROM tags WHERE id start AND idlt end ORDER BY id ASC. SELECT MINid, MAXid FROM tags. Range query setup. Optional, default is empty. Designated Driver London Scooters here. Applies to SQL source types mysql, pgsql, mssql only. Setting this option enables ranged document fetch queries see Section 3. Ranged queries. Ranged queries are useful to avoid notorious My. ISAM table locks when indexing. They also help with other less notorious issues, such as reduced. Inno. DB. to serialize big read transactions. The query specified in this option must fetch min and max document IDs that will be. It must return exactly two integer fields, min ID first. ID second the field names are ignored. When ranged queries are enabled, sqlquery. Note that the intervals specified by start. IDs that are. exactly equal to start or end from your query. The example in Section 3. Ranged queries illustrates that note how it. SELECT MINid,MAXid FROM documents. Range query step. Optional, default is 1. Applies to SQL source types mysql, pgsql, mssql only. Only used when ranged queries are enabled. SQL Grammar. Index. Commands Data ManipulationCommands Data DefinitionCommands OtherOther Grammar. System Tables. Information Schema. Range Table. Details. Click on the header to switch between railroad diagram and BNF. SELECT. SELECT TOP term DISTINCT ALL select. Expression. FROM table. Expression. WHERE expression. GROUP BY expression. HAVING expression. UNION ALL MINUS EXCEPT INTERSECT select ORDER BY order. LIMIT expression OFFSET expression SAMPLESIZE row. Count. Int OFFSET expression ROW ROWS FETCH FIRST NEXT expression ROW ROWS ONLY. Selects data from a table or multiple tables. GROUP BY groups the the result by the given expressions. HAVING filter rows after grouping. ORDER BY sorts the result by the given columns or expressions. UNION combines the result of this query with the results of another query. LIMIT and FETCH FIRSTNEXT ROWS ONLY limits the number of rows returned by the query no limit if null or smaller than zero. OFFSET specified how many rows to skip. Please note using high offset values should be avoided because it can cause performance problems. SAMPLESIZE limits the number of rows read for aggregate queries. Multiple set operators UNION, INTERSECT, MINUS, EXPECT are evaluated from left to right. For compatibility with other databases and future versions of H2 please use parentheses. If FOR UPDATE is specified, the tables are locked for writing. When using MVCC, only the selected rows are locked as in an UPDATE statement. In this case, aggregate, GROUP BY, DISTINCT queries or joins are not allowed in this case. Example. SELECT FROM TEST SELECT FROM TEST ORDER BY NAME SELECT ID, COUNT FROM TEST GROUP BY ID SELECT NAME, COUNT FROM TEST GROUP BY NAME HAVING COUNT 2 SELECT ID COL, MAXID AS MAX FROM TEST UNION SELECT NAME, MAXNAME FROM TEST SELECT FROM TEST LIMIT 1. SELECT FROM SELECT ID, COUNT FROM TESTGROUP BY ID UNION SELECT NULL, COUNT FROM TESTORDER BY 1 NULLS LAST INSERT. INSERT INTO table. Name. column. Name. VALUES DEFAULT expression. DIRECT SORTED select. SET column. Name DEFAULT expression. Inserts a new row new rows into a table. When using DIRECT, then the results from the query are directly applied in the target table without any intermediate step. When using SORTED, b tree pages are split at the insertion point. This can improve performance and reduce disk usage. Example. INSERT INTO TEST VALUES1, HelloUPDATE. UPDATE table. Name AS new. Table. Alias SET. Name DEFAULT expression. Name. select. WHERE expression ORDER BY order. LIMIT expression. Updates data in a table. ORDER BY is supported for My. SQL compatibility, but it is ignored. Example. UPDATE TEST SET NAMEHi WHERE ID1 UPDATE PERSON P SET NAMESELECT A. NAME FROM ADDRESS A WHERE A. IDP. ID DELETE. DELETE TOP term FROM table. Name WHERE expression LIMIT term. Deletes rows form a table. If TOP or LIMIT is specified, at most the specified number of rows are deleted no limit if null or smaller than zero. Example. DELETE FROM TEST WHERE ID2. BACKUP. BACKUP TO file. Name. String. Backs up the database files to a. Objects are not locked, but the backup is transactionally consistent because the transaction log is also copied. Admin rights are required to execute this command. Example. BACKUP TO backup. CALL. CALL expression. Calculates a simple expression. This statement returns a result set with one row, except if the called function returns a result set itself. If the called function returns an array, then each element in this array is returned as a column. Example. CALL 1. 5. EXPLAIN. EXPLAIN PLAN FOR ANALYZE select insert update delete merge. Shows the execution plan for a statement. When using EXPLAIN ANALYZE, the statement is actually executed, and the query plan will include the actual row scan count for each table. Example. EXPLAIN SELECT FROM TEST WHERE ID1. MERGE. MERGE INTO table. Name column. Name. KEY column. Name. VALUES DEFAULT expression. Updates existing rows, and insert rows that dont exist. If no key column is specified, the primary key columns are used to find the row. If more than one row per new row is affected, an exception is thrown. If the table contains an auto incremented key or identity column, and the row was updated, the generated key is set to 0 otherwise it is set to the new key. Example. MERGE INTO TEST KEYID VALUES2, WorldRUNSCRIPT. RUNSCRIPT FROM file. Name. Stringscript. Compression. Encryption. CHARSET charset. String. Runs a SQL script from a file. The script is a text file containing SQL statements each statement must end with. This command can be used to restore a database from a backup. The password must be in single quotes it is case sensitive and can contain spaces. Instead of a file name, an URL may be used. To read a stream from the classpath, use the prefix classpath. See the Pluggable File System section on the Advanced page. The compression algorithm must match the one used when creating the script. Instead of a file, an URL may be used. Admin rights are required to execute this command. Example. RUNSCRIPT FROM backup. RUNSCRIPT FROM classpath comacmetest. SCRIPT. SCRIPT SIMPLE NODATA NOPASSWORDS NOSETTINGS. DROP BLOCKSIZE block. Size. Int. TO file. Name. Stringscript. Compression. Encryption. CHARSET charset. String. TABLE table. Name ,. SCHEMA schema. Name ,. Creates a SQL script from the database. SIMPLE does not use multi row insert statements. NODATA will not emit INSERT statements. If the DROP option is specified, drop statements are created for tables, views, and sequences. If the block size is set, CLOB and BLOB values larger than this size are split into separate blocks. BLOCKSIZE is used when writing out LOB data, and specifies the point at the values transition from being inserted as inline values, to be inserted using out of line commands. NOSETTINGS turns off dumping the database settings the SET XXX commandsIf no TO file. Name clause is specified, the script is returned as a result set. This command can be used to create a backup of the database. For long term storage, it is more portable than copying the database files. If a TO file. Name clause is specified, then the whole script including insert statements is written to this file, and a result set without the insert statements is returned. The password must be in single quotes it is case sensitive and can contain spaces. This command locks objects while it is running. Admin rights are required to execute this command. When using the TABLE or SCHEMA option, only the selected tables schemas are included. Example. SCRIPT NODATASHOW. SHOW SCHEMAS TABLES FROM schema. Name. COLUMNS FROM table. Name FROM schema. Name. Lists the schemas, tables, or the columns of a table. Example. SHOW TABLESWITH. WITH RECURSIVE name column. Name. AS select. Can be used to create a recursive or non recursive query common table expression. For recursive queries the first select has to be a UNION. One or more common table entries can be referred to by name. Column name declarations are now optional the column names will be inferred from the named select queries.